fredag, juni 02, 2006

Venstredrejning i pressen, eller højredrejning i Quarterly Journal of Economics

Et par amerikanske økonomer, mener de har fundet en objektiv måde at måle avisers politiske tendens på. Det er ikke alle der er lige tilfredse med deres teknik. Hovedanken er at teknikken er mere end mangelfuld, det klassiske tilfælde af æbler og pærer, samt at skribenterne selv er politiske partshavere. Sidste paragraf i linket er

"It will, however, take stronger theorizing than citation counting to reveal its secrets. Groseclose and Milyo have measured something. I don't know what it is, and I am pretty certain that they don't know either. They seem more interested in proclaiming their findings then understanding them. It would be ironic if the main thing that the authors established beyond a reasonable doubt was the existence of a high degree of partisan zeal at the helm of the QJE."


Anonymous Anonym said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

12/8/06 09:24  

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